Wednesday, August 1, 2012

7 31 12 Talkeetna Ak

Day started out nice and crisp...47 degrees !  Warmed up really nice as the day went on....high of 68 !  Rick and I took a ride to Talkeetna.  It is a small town that is geared towards tourist but has a lot of history to it.   We stopped at the visitor center just to see what was a must see in the town.  Had a piece of birch syrup candy !  We went on to the town and people up and down each side of the road.  It definitely was a tourist town!  Had a few guys strumming on some guitars and singing alongside the road with their jar in front.  We toured the museum, which consisted of three buildings.  Lots of old artifacts and history of building the railroad.  One whole building was dedicated to ....what else...Mt. Mckinley !!  At 20,420 feet it is the tallest mountain in North America.  We went in Nagley's store and got us a big hunk of fudge !!  
We stopped at Pizza Hut on the way back and picked up our dinner, also had to make a stop at Walmart.  Does anyone ever go anywhere without having to stop at Walmart on the way back ?  Had a real nice relaxing day !!!
 Rick got a kiss !!

 Scene on the way back

 More snow capped mountains

 Where we got gas

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