Friday, August 10, 2012

8 9 12  Healy AK

This was a drive day from Fairbanks to Healy, nearly halfway to Anchorage from Fairbanks.  Once we arrived here and got set up in the campground Richie, Paula, Dakota and Sage took the truck and went to the White Water Rafting excursion !!  
They had a good time but wished the current had been a little stronger.  This time of year the water is not as fast or as high as it is in the early summer with all the snow melting.
Anyway, we will be off the internet for a few days now, as we are going to the Chugach mountains and staying at a national forest campground for a few days.  We will be at the Willawaw campground and will take some glacier cruises.  Will clue you in when we resume with the internet.  
Take care and talk soon !!

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