Thursday, August 9, 2012

8 8 12  Fairbanks Ak  #2

Still trying to do catch up !!  Today was very cloudy when we woke up and I might add a little bit chilly !!  Headed out first thing today to the museum of the north.  It was all about the animals here in Alaska and the native dress, tools, and way of live for the early settlers.   Nice and informative.  

Richie, Trina, Sage, Dakota and Paula
 Rick with the big bear 

 Trina with a dall sheep

 Sign says it all !!

At1:30 we then went to the Riverboat Discovery tour down the Chena River.  We rode on a sternwheeler up on the open deck for the first part of the ride, by the second part of the ride Rick and I had enough of the cold wind so went below in the enclosed area.   We watched a float plane land on the river and then take off from the river.  Pretty neat !  Saw several beautiful riverfront homes.  We stopped at a native village and was given presentations on the manner and dress of the native indian cultures.  It was a very interesting afternoon in the little village.  There was also a presentation on Susan Butcher's iditarod dogs.  
 Village hut made out of hides

 Athabascan indian in a hand made coat

 Log hut

 Drying Salmon

 Salmon smokehouse

Log cabin with wood storage

Until tomorrow......

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