Thursday, August 9, 2012

8 8 12   Fairbanks AK

Sorry it has been awhile for the blog.  I will try to bring everyone up to date now.

8 6 12  Gold Dredge 8

Today we went to the Gold Dredge.  We took a train ride into the area where the mining was done.   We were presented with all the hardships and manner of mining during the early mining days.  We got to tour the dredge buildings and then panned for gold ourselves.  Each of us then were able to have our "gold flakes" weighed to see the value of our find.  Richies was 15.00,  Dakota had 20.00, Sage had 9.00 and the winner guessed it.....ME....30.00 !!!  Rick and Paula had such an insignificant amount that they did not even have it weighed.  We had a good time for sure, maybe not profitable, but fun.


  Then in the afternoon we rode 60 miles from Fairbanks to Chena Hot Springs.  This was Sage's wanna do while in Alaska !  The museum was kept at a constant 20 degrees.  We all had to don some heavy jackets.  Well worth it !


Trina just being cold !

 Rick at the bar

 Sage at the pedestal

8 7 12   Arctic Circle

Boy what a day this was.....Had to meet our bus at the front of the rv  park at 5:45 A.M. and didn't get back to the park until MIDNIGHT !!!  We made it across the arctic circle !!  Really a long day !  Met several other people on the bus from all over the country.  Every time we stopped for an attraction or break we had to rotate seats by 3 !  No one got stuck in a bad spot and you got to meet each other.  Rick and Sage went jogging at the Arctic circle and we were served " Tundra cake with permafrosting " !!  We all received a certificate for crossing the arctic circle....yea for us !! 


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