8 21 12
Ft. Nelson, BC, Canada
Sorry it has been so long since posting, but with no wifi it is impossible. We left Wasilla on August 19. We went from there to Tok, Ak and stayed the night at the Sourdough Campground. Had our saver books for Alaska to finish, and the last coupon to use was for a FREE quater pound of fudge at the visitor center. Well....I used our coupon and Richie and Paula had given me their two books so.....3/4 pound of fudge !!! Rick and I did enjoy....maple, chocolate, and peanut butter with chocolate.
8 20 12
We drove on to Watson Lake, Yukon Territory. Was hopeful for wifi but we were to far away from the office to make a good connection. Rick grilled us some hot dogs and let me say, they were yummy.
8 21 12
Here we are now in Ft. Nelson, BC at the Triple G Hideaway Campground. Rick is doing is daily jogging while catch up a little on this blog. The ride today was very mountainous and very curvy. There were "S" curves consistently with going up and down all day. There was a forest fire somewhere as the smoke was very dense. We were treated to some unusual sights for us.....along the roadway was two herds of bison on each side of the road. We had to stop as they were crossing the road right in front of us. Beautiful animals to see in the wild !!
Further down the road we spotted some Stone Sheep on the side of the road. Couldn't believe our luck !!
Muncho Lake was gorgeous......the water is an aqua color, which my camera did not capture like I wanted it to.
The whole trip today was just beautiful. It is definetly God's country !! Some of the trees here are already changing their color.
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