Sunday, July 15, 2012

July 15, 2012
Coutts, Alberta, CA

Well as you see we made it here !  One funny mishap prior to our leaving camp in Billings, MT.....We shut all the slides and got ready to leave and Rick realized he was still wearing his lounge pants.  I said it was ok but he said no as he new I don't like them out and around.  So with all the slides closed he went in and reached in the bedroom and came up with a pair of MY jeans.  Well you can just guess what they looked like on him...ha ha  Drive north in Montana was uneventful.  We saw lots of hills with steep grades up and down.  There were numerous windmills in lots of the open spaces.  Montana is definetly BIG SKY country.  We just put ole Bessie on cruise control and let her do the work.  Just before we crossed the boarder we stopped and got gas, much to our surprise, the wind was blowing so hard that in Florida we would have thought it was a hurricane. 
Montana Hills
 Crossing into Canada
 Canadian Mud
 Rick at Cold Springs River
Our campsite P-4


  1. I enjoy your notice every day. Many thanks for the great pictures. I am so happy you have a wonderful adventure. Keep going :-)

  2. well you have now left the good old USA, have fun with our neighbors up north!..... I know you and Rick will have a great time as you "meander" across Canada and take in all the beautiful countryside, pictures!!! take pictures we wanna see what you are
    Please most of all be safe and keep us updated where you are this is fun following along with you on here....take care for now!
