Wednesday, July 11, 2012

July 10, 2012
Platte City, MO

Such a lovely drive up and over from Illinois.  Miles and miles of farmland and rolling hills.  Cornfield after cornfield !!  We seem to be getting into a better routine about breaking down and setting up camp.  Still have a few kinks to work out, but overall getting better.  Rick does outside while I secure (at least try) the inside.  The roads leave alot to be desired here and when we get to the campsite and open up....well lets just say things bounce around quite a bit.  Tonight the sofa was out from the wall about a foot.  Pulled in today and leveled up and went to plug into electric, but alas, the cord was like three to four feet to short.  Had to unblock and hook up trailer again and pull forward a little.  Now we know what to look for before we unhook !!!  Trials and tribulations go a long way.  We are just north of Kansas City, MO.  We have over four hundred miles to travel tomorrow, so if you see no blog you will know why.  Take care all and have a blessed day !!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Meandering Mccoys you're off to a great start ! I'm looking forward to your posts as your journey continues, I will show this site to mom at your house, lol. Many happy miles and smiles.

    Love ya's
