Tuesday, July 24, 2012

7 23 12 Tok Alaska

We finally made it here !!!  The roads were terrible in the Yukon.  First good size town we came to we stopped for the night..  There is a FOUR hour difference now in the time then back from our home.  I am still not adjusted to it.  We had a nice feast at "Fast Eddies" !  All the salad bar we could eat and a huge bowl of  spaggetti and meatballs.  The meatballs were many and very large.  We had enough to bring some back and save for tomorrow evenings dinner.  How's that for economizing.  Lost three screws from the fender of the trailer on the rough roads.  We found a hardware store though and Rick bought some screws with nuts to secure them better.
We did real good as we came across the border......went into the line for commercial trucks and buses.  Boy did we get yelled at !!!!  The boarder patrol was having Rick back up and get in the other line....but at the end he let us stay there , with the knowledge that it really screwed up his paper work !! Then when we left the port of entry, we were so shaken up that we did not even get to stop and get a picture with the Welcome to Alaska sign.  The sign was on the opposite side of the road anyways....for whee you are leaving.....what good is it there ?  Oh well...tomorrow is another day !

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