Thursday, July 19, 2012

7 19 12
Ft. Nelson, BC, Ca

 Down hill ride

 Another view

 Where we filled up in Ft. Nelson

Started the day off in Dawson Creek to a nice brisk morning of 50 degrees.  Sure surprised me for it to be that cool.  Travel here was quite the event.  Had three steep grades to get through, 6 and 7 % grades.  Learned a new way to control the speed in the truck though and not use the cruise control.  Let that allison tranny do her thing !!!  Went to grocery store (IGA) and got dinner , then came back and did laundry before we showered and ate.  There is a three hour difference from what we are used to.  Now as I write this it is 11:15 p.m. in Florida and only 8:15 here.  My body feels like it should be in sync with the 11:15 time.  Needless to say I rise early every mornng here.  When we hit Alaska we will be four hours behind our normal time !!!

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