Wednesday, September 5, 2012

9 04 12
Paducah KY

Wifi so slow don't even know if I will be able to finish this before I get kicked off.  I honestly don't know why RV parks don't put in a stronger signal if they are going to advertise Wifi internet at your site !!! 

Anyway we made it to Paducah KY and are staying at the Duck Creek Campground.  We went to Ryan's for dinner with my cousin Wayne Gibby and his significant other Nancy Gill this evening.  I was so nice to meet Nancy and to see Wayne again.  We had a nice visit prior to dinner and a nice visit after dinner.  They showed us some of the sites in their downtown area.  Beautiful murals on the flood wall at the Ohio river.  Nice when you have an escorted tour from residents that can tell you the history of a town.

Tomorrow we start towards Memphis TN.  Yep....going to Graceland.  We will be staying on Elvis Presley Blvd.

I will have to wait to post any pictures as it is just to slow.  So until then...........take care and we love ya all !!!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

9 01 12
Salem South Dakota

Finally have a connection that may not kick me off before I write on this here goes catch up..not sure of pic's yet !

8 29 12
West Yellowstone KOA

Did the upper loop today in Yellowstone National Park.  Our tour guide Brad was excellent and very knowledgeable also.  He had been a geology major so knew a great deal about all the land and findings in the park.  When the day was finished we were the last ones off the bus and he drove us straight to our site.  We saw lots of buffalo's, elk and waterfalls and geysers.  The elk were laying on the lawn at the resort and walking around the town.

8 30 12
Hardin Montana

Left West Yellowstone today and drove through the mountains, which were very very smokey from fires that were burning in the park.  Mountainous and curvy road until we intersected with the interstate.  Had a nice spacious spot at the Grandview Campground.  Right near the laudromat so we did our stacked up laundry.  Opted for one of those $10.00 pizza's from Pizza Hut for dinner.

8 31 12
Rapid City South Dakota

Drove from Hardin Montana through Wyoming and into Rapid City South Dakota today.  Found a bargain and stayed at the Foothills Rv Park for only $15.00 for a full hookup.....imagine that !  Drove to Sturgis and found the Full Throttle Saloon.  Just had to go there !!  South Dakota (in my opinion) is not the most eye appealing state.  Very dry and deserty looking.  Lots of smoke due to so many wild fires.

9 01 12
Salem South Dakota

Just another driving day across this dry desolate looking land.  Still no phone service on my normal phone with boost mobile.  I am relying on our Tracfone and sometimes it does not have service either.  The wind here was next to hurricane strength today.  We stopped at a rest area for a necessity break and it was so strong you could hardly walk into it.  I am surprised with the wind blowing at such a gale force that the temperature was 101 degree at its highest today.

 Registering 100 degrees
Yep, look who's driving !!

Hope all have a safe Labor Day Weekend !!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

8 28 12
West Yellowstone, MT

We are still at the West Yellowstone KOA campground.  Wifi is still very uncertain.  I can not always get on and I surely can not download any photo's when  I do get on.

 The 27th was a lazy day to say the least.  We rode into the small town here and checked out the local establishments.  Bought our luch at Arby's and sat at a sidewalk table and ate.  Then we laid around at the campground awhile.  Rick did a few things on the truck that needed taking care of after the blowout that we had.  Later we went and played a couple games of mini golf.  Enjoyable day !

28th we took our lower loop Yellowstone tour.  We had an excellent tour guide that was highly knowledgeable in all the area of Yellowstone and the town.  We got to see ole faithful do her thing !!  Saw several geysers and bison, elk and more bison !  Waterfalls were very beautiful.   Will post pictures when I have a better connection. 

We will be taking the upper loop tour Wednesday, the 29th.

Till then......

Monday, August 27, 2012

8 26 12
West Yellowstone, MT

We made the trek south on US 287 today from Helena to West Yellowstone.  Started out looking  like really flat land with mountains in the distance.  Very, very sparse country side.  Then all of a sudden there were trees on the hillsides.  Then the hills turned into mountains. We stopped at the crest of one of the mountains and the wind was blowing so hard it could almost knock you off your feet.  We are in the West Yellowstone KOA campground. Looks to be a good campground as they have mini golf !!!  We will be taking a guided tour of Yellowstone on the 28th and the 29th.  My bandwidth here is really slow and uncertain so I will have to post pictures at a later time.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

8 25 12
Helena, Montana

What a gorgeous day out !  Well all of you saw how dirty our 5th wheel was after coming down the Alaska highway.  Found a man in this park that does detailing on autos....and yes....rv's !!!!  First thing this morning I commissioned him to take care of ours. 
Rick and I did our laundry and brought it back and closed the slides and away we went. 
We went into Helena and took a nice ride on the train around and through the city of Helena to see all the tourist sights.  We went to the Historical Society Museum.  We went prior to the train ride and then went back after the train ride.  Really a lot of information about this area.  Both of us really enjoyed our time there.  I think it is one of the best museum's we have been in. 
Now we need to figure out where to be on our way to tomorrow.  The 27th we will be at West Yellowstone, but tomorrow is a free roaming day.  I know we will drive south toward Yellowstone but where we stop is anyones guess at the time being.

Does anyone know what the machine in the center was used for ?

Rick wanting to crawl up in the wagon
This is called Smashed-in-Head Buffalo Jump.  Years ago the Indians would get a heard of buffalo and run them towards a cliff to fall off of, hence, killing many of them all at once.  This buffalo jump is here in Montana.

8 24 12
Helena Montana

We are currently at the Lincoln Road Rv park .  The road out of British Columbia and into the first part of Alberta was crueling.  It was in much need of repair and crossed many mountains on a two lane, curvy in need of repair road.  Lets just say it is one experience that I do not wish to do over again.  Our fifth wheel looks like it has been through a desert storm.  To top everything off....we had a blow-out on the truck.    The parks will not allow RV washing so it is hard to find a place to clean it.  To compound the problem we had rain as we were in Alberta, pouring down rain and a morning temperture of 44 degrees !!
We entered the United States on a rainy but happy day !!

Montana is a very pretty state.  There are lots of mountains here also, but let me say, our roads are so much better.  We traveled down Interstate 15 and even though it was mountainous the ride was not a white knuckle ride.  Very pretty countryside.  

It is quite windy here.  Very hard winds.  So hard that they can blow the door shut on your vehicle.  As we came down the highway we came to this sign for a town exit.  Just had to have a picture of this.....

We don't need to be in West Yellowstone until the 27th so don't know what the next few days will bring.....Will clue ya in later !!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

8 21 12 
Ft. Nelson, BC, Canada

Sorry it has been so long since posting, but with no wifi it is impossible.  We left Wasilla on August 19.  We went from there to Tok, Ak and stayed the night at the Sourdough Campground.  Had our saver books for Alaska to finish, and the last coupon to use was for a FREE quater pound of fudge at the visitor center.  Well....I used our coupon and Richie and Paula had given me their two books so.....3/4 pound of fudge !!!  Rick and I did enjoy....maple, chocolate, and peanut butter with chocolate.  

8 20 12

We drove on to Watson Lake, Yukon Territory.  Was hopeful for wifi but we were to far away from the office to make a good connection.  Rick grilled us some hot dogs and let me say, they were yummy.

8 21 12

Here we are now in Ft. Nelson, BC at the Triple G Hideaway Campground.  Rick is doing is daily jogging while catch up a little on this blog.  The ride today was very mountainous and very curvy.  There were "S" curves consistently with going up and down all day.  There was a forest fire somewhere as the smoke was very dense.  We were treated to some unusual sights for us.....along the roadway was two herds of bison on each side of the road.  We had to stop as they were crossing the road right in front of us.  Beautiful animals to see in the wild !!  

Further down the road we spotted some Stone Sheep on the side of the road.  Couldn't believe our luck !!

Muncho Lake was gorgeous......the water is an aqua color, which my camera did not capture like I wanted it to.

The whole trip today was just beautiful.  It is definetly God's country !!   Some of the trees here are already changing their color.

Friday, August 17, 2012

8 16 12
Wasilla, AK

Up at four !  I really got up at one, as I didn't get the time right on the cell phone for the alarm clock, but went back to bed until four.  We left the campground at four thirty headed for the Anchorage Railroad depot.  Wouldn't you know, we had a drizzle rain (of course, we had washed the truck ).  Train left the depot at six, right on schedule.  Lovely ride down to Seward despite the little rain drops on the window.  The mountains are so high that the peaks were sticking up above the clouds.

  We saw an eagle and the nest with an eaglet in it, two black bears climbing a tree, and a moose with her calf in the meadow.  The train goes through some remote areas that you would not be able to see if you had taken a car and made the trip.  We were able to see a whale in the Cook Inlet along Turnagain Arm.
Upon arriving in Seward we decided to go for lunch first.  Rick and I decided on a nice seafood restaurant on the waterfront.  We had a nice scenic few overlooking the harbor.

We found a shop and got Rick a hat to keep some of the wet stuff off his head.  At the gift shop we found out they have a free shuttle bus to take you around the town.  We found the stop for the shuttle bus and rode it to the other end of the town to visit the Alaska Sea Life Center.  Very much enjoyed trip.

The rain had stopped and was just an overcast day by now.
We were to be back at the train at six for our return trip to Anchorage.  We had a nice trip back, with everyone on the train cat napping along the way. The views on the return trip were just gorgeous.  We arrived back in Anchorage at ten fifteen and then the forty five minute drive back to our campground made for a long day.  Rick got out of the truck about two miles up the road and jogged back to the campground (it is now eleven at night).  Made us remember the long day trip to the Arctic Circle.

Just a quick little tidbit:  We were told that the Anchorage municipality is over 2000 square miles....big enough to put the state of Delaware in !!!  

Rick and I will be leaving the campground to start our journey towards Canada and the states.  I may not have wifi for alot of the Canadian trip as we are planning on doing a little boondocking (staying at remote places and turnouts along the road),  Check back when you can as I never know when I will have the wifi.  Next for sure wifi is at West Yellowstone Campground in a couple weeks.  Until then...........we love you all....
8 15 12  Wasilla, AK
              Big Bear Campground

Today was an uneventful tourist day.  We had a leisurely morning and then went to the local chevrolet dealers and got the oil changed in the truck.  It was much needed as we have been over seven thousand miles thus far !!!  I spotted a Great Clips and needed a trim so ya know where I went.  Next thing on the agenda was lunch....never been to a Red Robin so we tried that out.  Let me just say that I am glad we did as it was totally yummy !!  One last task on our list and that was getting the truck washed.  What a bug infested thing it was.  Went to one of those do it yourself stalls and got it nice and clean, even got to vacuum it out.  
Of course no day would be complete without a stop at Wally World !  Had to return some clothes I had purchased so topped the day off by a trip there.  Have to get up early tomorrow to be in Anchorage at 5:45 so home and to bed today before 11:00.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

8 14 12  Wasilla Ak

Will try to catch up to date now:

8 10 12 
     We drove from Healy, AK to the Willawaw National Forest Campground, just about 42 miles south of Anchorage.  The drive along Turnagain Arm was breathless.  The campground is a rugged campground with NO facilities.  It was a beautiful campground and the scenery was just awesome !!

8 11 12  

     This morning we went to the Aleyska Resort and took a tram ride up the mountain for over 2,000 ft.   Once at the top of the mountain Rick had to take it one step further and follow the trail to the highest peak where the chair lifts carry the skiers in the winter.  Richie, Paula, Dakota and Sage also took the trail further up for the challenge.  Scenery was very beautiful at the top.  I watched two men paraglide off the side of the mountain. 

In the afternoon we took the Portage Glacier cruise.  We got up close to a very cold glacier !!  The boat comes within feet of it.  It was very windy and very cold.

Once we finished the Portage Glacier tour we decided to drive the Whittier Tunnel.  The tunnel is 2 1/2 miles long and is only for one lane of traffic at a time, and is shared with trains !!  We had to wait 30 minutes before we could have our turn through the tunnel.  It was an odd feeling traveling through a tunnel that is bored through a mountain for 2 1/2 miles.  It cost $12.00 to go east through the tunnel but was free to come back west.


 8 12 12

     Today we drove 90 miles to Seward, AK for our 5 hour tour on the Star of the Northwest cruise boat.  The captain gave a speech about people getting seasick so I decided I may need to take some Bonnie or  Dramamine.  I opted for the Bonnie.  Was doing really good an hour after taking it so went up on top deck and what a sight to behold.  You could see the mountains on the sides with beautiful water all around.  We saw puffins, sea eagles, a sea lion and even a whale did a performance for the tourists !!  But alas.....once we got out to the open waters, and not in the inlet, the boat started going up and over 6 to 7 feet swells.  Well, if that wasn't bad enough it stalled the engines and set looking for wild life and that is when I lost it !!!  I got so sick and there was no where to go !!  One of the crew gave me some ginger ale and some ginger candy to help the nausea.....but nothing helped.....and the Bonnie was making me so drowsy I could hardly keep my eyes open.  Rick had me sit on an open bench alongside the boat and lay my head on his shoulder.  I was so sick and sleeping on and off  until I hardly remember anymore of the afternoon.   Needless to say, I came home, jammies went on and to bed I went.....imagine me with no dinner, you know I was sick !!  Rick, Richie, Paula, and Dakota seemed to be ok.  Sage said he got a little queasy at the end.  What a day !!  No cruises for me anymore.

8 13 12

     Today we drove from the Willawaw campground back to Wasilla and the Big Bear campground.  Had a lazy afternoon then we grilled out for dinner and the big thrill.....we all did SMORE'S.  The best part though, was once we ate dinner Sage insisted on washing the dishes !  It stays light so long here that it was midnight before we settled down for the night.

 8 14 12

     Today climaxed the vacation for Richie, Paula, Dakota and Sage.  They got their bags together and Rick and I did four loads of laundry.  We went in to Anchorage and Richie treated us all to a fabulous dinner at the Sea Galley !!  It was an excellent dinner.  Rick and I dropped them at the airport afterwards.  The rv was so quiet when we got home that I had to call them and Paula said their flight was delayed until 9:30 !  We so enjoyed them coming and being with us.  We will surely miss them !!